The Prologue for Detective RPG Inspector Schmidt- The Ebbing is Available Now

Developer Active Fungus Studios has just released a prologue for their upcoming detective RPG Inspector Schmidt - The Ebbing, ahead of the game's full release on April 7th. The events leading up to the detective’s latest adventure can be played in around three hours to get players into the mood for the new adventure based on the German North Sea. 

In the prologue Valentin wished to enjoy a well-deserved vacation on the German North Sea. Unfortunately the captain of the streamer transporting Valentin and the other passengers suddenly collapses during lunch and begins fighting for his life. It’s up to players to figure out whether or not he was poisoned. Players may just also uncover motives among the ship’s crew and passengers to identify the culprit of the crime. 

In the main game, after the sudden death of Bent Hansen shakes the picturesque seaside town of Havstedt. Explore the coastal town based in the year 1870 and search for clues. Use the dialogue mechanics to question the residents, gather compelling information and find out who is hiding something. 

Inspector Schmidt - The Ebbing is set to release on PC on April 7th, 2025. You can play the prologue right now on Steam and wishlist the game to stay up to date on future announcements. 


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