Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island Preview: Make Friends with the Gods

Being stranded on a deserted island doesn’t sound so bad if you’re there with a bunch of Greek Gods and Goddesses. 

Developed by Polygon Treehouse, Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island is an adventure game where you play as Alex, a young woman who has found herself stranded on a strange island. After some investigation, Alex meets Oracle, a statue that explains that she isn’t alone on the island, but not everyone she encounters will be excited to meet her. Oracle points Alex in the direction of The Messenger who is revealed to be the Greek God Hermes. Hermes, similarly to Alex, doesn’t know how he came to be on the island. 

Mythwrecked is a self-proclaimed “friend-em-up” game. Your ultimate goal is to escape the island but also to make friends along the way. In the game’s current demo, available on Steam, Hermes is the only character you’ll meet other than Oracle, but the full game promises other well-known Gods including Athena, Hades and more.

In order to become better friends with each character, you’ll have to upgrade your friendship level with them. For Hermes, that means feeding some of the friendly seagulls on the island. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have to use your Ambrosiadeck to locate some things that Hermes has lost around the island. The Ambrosiadeck is a device given to you by Oracle that tracks your inventory, holds your map, and helps you keep contact with any other people on the island that also have a deck. Once you return to Hermes with his stuff, you’ll have increased your friendship level and he’ll be more open with you about what he remembers and what he knows about the island. 

As much as Alex wants to get off the island, it seems like she might be stuck there for a while. Thankfully, there’s an abandoned lighthouse on the island where you can go to rest at the end of each day. As you explore, you’ll find items around the island that you can use to decorate your little makeshift home.

Despite only getting a brief glimpse of the game, it’s clear that Mythwrecked will offer a lot of content when it releases in full. There are doors to unlock, puzzles to solve, side quests to complete and lots of friends to make. All of this is wrapped up into a dynamic and captivating story about friendship, family and community. Mythwrecked is one of the most memorable demos I’ve played this year and I can’t wait to see how the full game tasks shape.

By Becca Smith


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