Dice and Fold Preview: Put Your Trust in the Dice

Rats, Executioners, a Jester and a Hydra? Yep, it’s gotta be a dungeon crawler.

Dice & Fold from Developer Tinymice Entertainment is an upcoming turn-based card battler, where players must utilize dice and cards in order to defeat the enemies. There are twenty different heroes for you to play, as well as companions you’ll meet along the way. Each character has different abilities allowing you to strategize and change up the way you play each round. Dice & Fold’s Next Fest demo allows you to try out three different heroes, but the game’s Codex lets you see all heroes that will be available in the full version of the game.

One thing I immediately liked about Dice & Fold was the ability to choose the game’s difficulty. This allows the player to take their time learning and mastering the mechanics before taking on more challenging foes. This is something I really value in deckbuilding games because they often require a lot of reading and learning in order to learn how the game works. Being able to start on Easy feels a bit like starting the game in tutorial mode - you’re given free reign to experiment and figure out what does what without dooming yourself to a short and painful death.

The main mechanic of Dice & Fold is rolling dice and using them in a variety of ways. Your dice can be used to attack an enemy, be spent towards unlocking your heroes or companion’s abilities, be saved for next turn as well as other tasks. It isn’t always as easy as rolling the dice and using them. Sometimes different colored dice have certain abilities to aid in battle or enemies will require a certain number on a dice in order to be defeated. There’s where saving dice and your heroes abilities for just the right moment come in handy. 

In each stage of the game you’ll have to defeat a certain number of enemies and at the end of a number of rounds (in the demo it’s 36, but I’m not sure if this is the number of rounds every time) you’ll have to defeat a powerful boss. During the game you’ll be able to upgrade your characters by purchasing items using gold that you’ve saved up. Each item or upgrade will make it so you’re better equipped to deal with the bosses when you reach the end. 

Dice & Fold is a super fun card battler that combines the best elements of the genre together to create something really unique and wonderfully addicting. And with the variety of heroes, companions, enemies, items and more, the replayability feels truly endless. If you wish to get your hands on the full version of Dice & Fold you won’t have to wait long as it is currently set to release on Steam on June 24th. 

By Becca Smith


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